
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2016

Gerente General de EDE Este destaca logros de las cooperativas eléctricas

Recibe un reconocimiento de esas unidades microempresariales Santo Domingo Este.- El gerente general de la Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad del Este (EDE Este), Luis Ernesto De León, destacó que a través de 21 cooperativas eléctricas han recuperado más de RD$739 millones, creado 649 puestos de trabajo y esas unidades microempresariales han recibido de EDE Este ingresos por RD$295 millones por gestiones técnicas y RD$201 millones por servicios administrativos desde el 2012. Al pronunciar unas palabras, previo al acto en el cual recibió una placa de reconocimiento de parte de la Federación Nacional de Cooperativas Eléctricas, el funcionario señaló que por los resultados, la empresa distribuidora está apoyando la conformación de ocho cooperativas más en su área de concesión, las cuales estarán situadas en las comunidades Don Juan, Peralvillo y Bayaguana, de Monte Plata;  en Gualey y Capotillo, del Distrito Nacional; Consuelo, de San Pedro de Macorís,  y Villa Hermosa, de La ...


Что нужно знать о подушке Асония при первом знакомстве?   Подушка Асония от компании Услада восстанавливает сон и энергетику в течение ночи.   Размер большой подушки Асония 38*44 см. Предназначена она для нормализации сна. Подушка анатомическая, благодаря эффекту псевдожидкости Асония принимает любую форму, повторяет изгибы шеи или любой другой части тела. Подушку Асония наполняют безопасным природным минералом - кремнеземом. Чем нравится людям подушка Асония ?   1. Действует успокаивающе на нервную систему (антистресс, сон и я). Создает предпосылки для восстановления нервной системы. Вы отдыхаете за ночь полноценно, успокаивается нервная система, что приводит к ослабленному проявлению многих заболеваний. 2. Подушку Асония создали как постельный атрибут, предназначена она для того, чтобы обеспечить крепкий сон. Крепкий сон способствует восстановлению организма и особенно нервных клеток. Крепкая нервная система – основа правильного функционирования организма...

YiThemes - YITH Live Chat v1.1.5 FREE Download

YiThemes - YITH Live Chat v1.1.5 A recent research has proved that the 70% of the users uses the chat to ask information: they do it to be reassured to receive that human feedback that only a clerk can offer physically. And the aim of YITH Live Chat is exactly this one in an immediate and performing way. CMS Extensions »WordPress DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Summer Flyer Bundle Part 1 621733 FREE Download

Summer Flyer Bundle Part 1 621733 9 PSD | 4 x 6 in | 154 MB Photoshop »Layered *.PSD DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Happy girl with chocolate FREE Download

Happy girl with chocolate 16 JPG | max 4000~8000 | 300 dpi | 107 Mb Stock Images »People DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Vectors - Puzzle Infographics Backgrounds 11 FREE Download

Vectors - Puzzle Infographics Backgrounds 11 4 AI | +TIFF Preview | 81 MB Vectors »Infographics DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Themify - Builder v1.8.8 - Wordpress Plugin + Addons FREE Download

Themify - Builder v1.8.8 - Wordpress Plugin + Addons The Themify Builder is the most powerful and easy to use page designer and builder for WordPress. Design any layout that you can imagine bring it to life using the drag & drop interface and watch it come together right in front of your eyes with live preview. Select drag and drop and you have built beautiful pages - without any coding! CMS Extensions »WordPress DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Vector Icon Hair Cutting Tools FREE Download

Vector Icon Hair Cutting Tools 14 EPS | JPG | 14.4 MB Icons DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

ThemeForest - Electro v1.1.10 - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - 15720624 FREE Download

ThemeForest - Electro v1.1.10 - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - 15720624 Electro is a robust and flexible WordPress theme designed by Transvelo to help you make the most out of using WooCommerce to power your online store. The design is well suited for Electronics Store Vendor based marketplaces affiliate websites. It is built and comes bundled with most of the advanced features available in most popular eCommerce websites like amazon flipkart snapdeal walmart alibaba aliexpress etc. Web Templates »WordPress DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

CodeCanyon - Visual Composer Addon - Logos Showcase Pro v1.2.1 - 12526554 FREE Download

CodeCanyon - Visual Composer Addon - Logos Showcase Pro v1.2.1 - 12526554 This Visual Composer Addon - Logos Showcase PRO contains 4 versions: Grid Carousel (one by one) Carousel (Group) and Perspective. The last 3 versions have 2 skins: black & white. It allows you to easily display on your website: logos clients partners sponsors brands portfolio items... you name it. CMS Extensions »WordPress DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Photos - 2017 Year Set 5 FREE Download

Photos - 2017 Year Set 5 5 pics | JPG | 7000x4597-8000x5333 | 86.79 Mb Stock Images » Special Days & Events DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Photos - Advertising Concepts FREE Download

Photos - Advertising Concepts 5 JPG | 6000x4500 - 9000x5931 | 51 MB Stock Images » Business & Finance DOWNLOAD b4t14tu5

Invitación Especial desde Silicon Valley (USA) by doinGlobal


Quicken 2017 v4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Download Free

  Quicken 2017 v4.2.1   Quicken 2017 makes managing your money easier than ever. Whether paying bills, enjoying more reliable downloads, or getting expert product help, Quicken's new and improved features will help you save time and get better control of your money. Take the next step toward your financial goals. Save for a house, your kid's education or just pay off debt. Plan for today and tomorrow - Import all your bank transactions safely & automatically* - Automatically categorizes your spending so you can see where your money is going - See your portfolio performance, make informed buy/sell decisions, and find funds that fit your goals* - Manage your money whenever, wherever with our mobile app* - Compare your income and spending year over year with custom reports - Pay your bills in Quicken - Now includes Quicken Bill Pay* service for small, regional banks (fees apply) - Enjoy a new look that's easier to use and navigate - Get our more powerful mobile ap...

MacPilot 8.0.8 (Mac OS X) Download Free

MacPilot 8.0.8 MacPilot can enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button! Pro user or not, you can now increase computer performance with only a few clicks of the mouse. Optimize your network for broadband connectivity, completely customize Apple File Sharing, perform essential maintenance without having to remember mind boggling acronyms, and much more. However, those are just a few of the many reasons why MacPilot is your choice over Cocktail, TinkerTool and Onyx. Enable the "cut" option in the Finder, disable menu items for security, disable icon caches, set history limits, erase recently used files, prevent your dock from being modified, turn off all system animations, increase the speed at which windows resize, change which format screenshots are taken in, set a default name and location for screenshots, disable a secondary processor, the startup chime, and...

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Invitación Especial desde Silicon Valley (USA) by doinGlobal

      GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 2020 PLANES Y MODELOS DE NEGOCIO CERTIFICACIÓN PROFESIONAL   PROGRAMA INTERNACIONAL (ONLINE)   Silicon Valley, CA. USA. |  Octubre 12, 2016. doinGlobal y la Universidad de Salamanca (España) informaron hoy que ya se encuentran abiertas las inscripciones a una nueva edición del reconocido programa Consultor en Planes y Modelos de Negocio [ Modalidad Online ]. La certificación, con titulación de reconocimiento internacional, que ha contado con la participación histórica de profesionales especializ...

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Expertos Globales en Desarrollo Emprendedor by doinGlobal

Ver en mi navegador | Quiero suscribirme Relaciónate con Expertos Globales en Desarrollo Emprendedor.   Conoce el Perfil de los participantes que te acompañarán en el Master en Desarrollo Emprendedor e Innovación : # Asesores de entidades gubernamentales y no gubernamentales con participación activa en políticas públicas. # Profesionales que intervienen en la Dirección & Gestión de Incubadoras, Aceleradoras y Centros de Desarrollo Emprendedor # Directores y responsables de Centros de Incubación y/o Aceleración # Coordinadores de Programas de Emprendimiento, Incubación de Empresas y Centros Tecnológicos # Directivos de instancias Educativas y Empresariales # Actores Gubernamentales en área...